Head of Lab – Anishchenko Alesya Nikolaevna,
Cand. of Sci. (Econ.)
Phon: (495) 779-1443, Room 412
e-mail: anishchenko-an@mail.ru
Research Scope
Tasks of the laboratory:
- Research and development of theoretical and methodological provisions, mechanisms, applied algorithms and recommendations that ensure sustainable development of the Russian agro-industrial complex in the conditions of digitalization, environmental and social responsibility
- Substantiation of the conceptual foundations of the strategy for activation of internal and external resources formation and implementation of the potential of the industry
- Development of scientifically-based forecasts (scenarios and roadmaps) of its long-term development.
Research Staff of laboratory
- Lyasnikov Nikolay Vasilievich, Principal Researcher, Dr. of Sci. (Econ.), Prof.
- Romanova Yulia Alexandrovna, Principal Researcher, Dr. of Sci. (Econ.), Prof.