Founder of the Market Economy Institute of RAS
Academician of RAS, Professor, Doctor of Economics
Nikolai Petrakov (1937-2014) is internationally acknowledged economist, expert in economic-mathematical modeling, pricing mechanisms and market regulation. Main scope of his research interests were market mechanisms of a national economy management, and also modeling the pricing processes, theory and methods of implementing economic policies in market conditions of business.
Nikolai Yakovlevich graduated from the Moscow State University, the Economic Division (1959). He is Dr. of Science (Economics, 1972), Professor (1972), Corresponding Member of USSR Academy of Science (1984), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1990), Academician-Secretary of Economics Section of the RAS Humanity Sciences Branch (2008). In 1990 Petrakov founded MEI RAS and served as the institute director until his death in 2014, January.
N.Y. Petrakov has made a speet contribution into the working out of the basis of the market system of the economy functioning; into the theory of measurment of the expenses and results in the national economy. He has achieved important results in the sphere of the organization of the transitional processes to the market system of national economy management. These results made it possible to describe adequately the real economic processes. They contain fundamental theoretical and methodological conclusions about the ways of the economic reform development in Russia. Petrakov is one of the initiators and authors of the theory and applied aspects of price formation as well as financially and materially balanced economy of the transitional period.
N.Y. Petrakov personally took part in research training, educating for over 30 years, has trained more than 25 candidates and doctors of economics, was head of the market economy and economic policy department of the Philosophy Faculty of the Lomonosov MSU, professor of the economic theory of the Plekhanov University of economics, head of the MEI RAS doctorate thesis council. He was editorial board member of Journals: «Economics and mathematical methods», «Real estate and investments. Legal regulation», «Studies on Russian Economic Development», «Megapolis regulation». Nikolai Petrakov is an author of more than 300 publications, including 20 monographs, written by him personally or in co-autorship. Many of his works were internationally recognized. He was awarded with a number of state rewards.